June 03 2022 – Jack Riess

8 Body Functions That STOP Working Without Magnesium PLUS: The 5 Most Common Causes Of a Magnesium Deficiency
Before I list all the ways you can detect a magnesium deficiency, it is important to understand why this deficiency could be so detrimental to your health and longevity
Did you know that magnesium is known as the “Master Mineral”( link to Complete mineral Complex) and is involved in over 300 metabolic processes in your body.
Did you also know that an estimated 80 percent of Americans are deficient in this important mineral and the health consequences are immediate and significant.
The major functions in your body that require magnesium on a daily basis are:
- Protein synthesis
- Nerve function and development
- Blood sugar management
- Neurotransmitter function
- Blood pressure management
- Energy and metabolism
- Production of the antioxidant glutathione- the master antioxidant that fights free radicals
- Bone development and maintenance
Lets consider our bones first…..
Magnesium is extremely important for your bones because it is necessary for the efficient transportation of calcium across your cell membranes.
Why? Calcium needs other nutrients that help it absorb into our bones. Those other nutrients are silica, vitamin D, vitamin K, and, you guessed it.
Without magnesium, our bones lose their strength and mass. We become more susceptible to bone fractures.
Yet, there is one other problem that could be much worse for your health!
If magnesium is not present, then the calcium has to go somewhere. More often than not, we find it accumulating in our blood. If it accumulates long enough, it starts to calcify into arterial plaque and causes serious heart issues.
So if you want to protect yourself against heart attacks and strokes, you NEED Magnesium!
Magnesium is also an anti-inflammatory mineral which offers protection against illnesses like arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease….plus it has been used to fight problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory issues, and much more.
The 5 most common causes for a Magnesium deficiency are:
- Inadequate consumption of green leafy vegetables that are high in magnesium
- TOO Much Alcohol- try and limit your self to a glass of red wine daily
- Too much sugar and phytic acid. Eliminate all sodas and snacks that contain sugar or sugar substitutes. Be aware that sugar is added to everything and check product labels
- Prescription medications- especially antibiotics and diuretics- Anti means “against” life”. Check with your doctor.
- Poor digestion- this may be caused from insufficient digestive enzymes or probiotics- we advise supplementation to erase the deficits
Scientific Note: Researchers have now detected 4750 magnesium binding sites on human proteins, indicating that magnesium’s role in human health and disease may have been vastly underestimated.
National Institutes Of Health
Article #2
10 Signs and Symptoms That You Are Deficient in Magnesium
Magnesium deficiency actually has a name known as hypomagnesemia, and it is one of the most overlooked and dangerous health problems.
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) “the mineral content of magnesium in food sources is declining, and that magnesium depletion has been detected in persons with some chronic diseases. This has led to an increased awareness of proper magnesium intake and its potential therapeutic role in a number of medical conditions.”
One study reported in the NIH suggests that up to 75% of Americans are not meeting their recommended daily intake of magnesium
In some cases, deficiency may be not be diagnosed properly because the obvious signs usually do not appear until your levels become very low.
The causes of magnesium deficiency vary from individual to individual. It depends on diet, metabolism and lifestyle.
Some of the early signs that you may have a magnesium deficiency include:
- Loss of appetite
- Headache
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fatigue and weakness
However, an ongoing magnesium deficiency can lead to more serious symptoms.
Here are 10 most common signs summarized of a magnesium deficiency:
- Muscle contractions and cramps
Scientists believe these symptoms may be caused by a greater flow of calcium into nerve cells. This could hyper stimulate the muscle nerves. ( as reported on Pubmed.gov- Calcium action in synaptic transmitter release.)
- Poor Brain Health and Memory- may cause nerve dysfunction and brain health problems. Could also lead to depression.
- Osteoporosis- caused by a Calcium deficiency. Other factors that could lead to poor bone health are old age, lack of regular exercise and a deficiency in vitamins D and K.
4. Fatigue and overall muscle weakness- Scientists believe the weakness may be caused through the loss of potassium in muscle cells as reported in the US National Library of Medicine (magnesium deficiency exacerbates potassium wasting by increasing distal potassium secretion.) A study entitled-Magnesium deficiency promotes muscle weakness, contributing to the risk of sudden infant death (SIDS) in infants sleeping prone indicates more evidence.
- Heart and Blood Pressure Problems- as reported in *Hypertension (Aug, 2016)- indicate a causal effect of Mg supplementation on lowering BPs in adults. Plus in the **European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was reported that magnesium supplementation appears to achieve a small but clinically significant reduction in BP
- Muscle Cramps- Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with a foot or leg cramp? Then you know how painful that can be. Try taking a magnesium drink, liquid or pill (Link to Complete) before you go to bed to minimize the problem.
- Stress and Anxiety- Magnesium isa calming and relaxing mineral that regulates the nervous system to help you cope with anxiety, fear and nervousness
- Diabetes- People with diabetesmay be more likely to have low magnesium. According to an article on About.com, “Elevated blood glucose levels increase the loss of magnesium in the urine, which in turn lowers blood levels of magnesium.”
- Respiratory System- Magnesiumresearch indicates that it can dilate and ease lung spasms, thereby relaxing the smooth muscles in the respiratory system. Magnesium also reported to have a calming effect on the brain nervous system, which helps to fight the anxiety.
- Nausea- excess cortisol in your system spikes your blood sugar resulting in fatigue and feelings of nausea. Magnesiumhelps to balance cortisol by cleaning it from our blood.
Scientists believe these symptoms may be caused by a greater flow of calcium into nerve cells. This could hyper stimulate the muscle nerves. ( as reported on Pubmed.gov- Calcium action in synaptic transmitter release.)
*Hypertension. 2016 Aug;68(2):324-33. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.07664. Epub 2016 Jul 11.
*Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Blood Pressure: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trials.
Eur J Clin Nutr. 2012 Apr;66(4):411-8. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2012.4. Epub 2012 Feb 8.
**Effect of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure: a meta-analysis.
Please note: while these are symptoms of a magnesium deficiency, it does not mean you are definitely deficient in magnesium. There could be other co-factors as well. Try and get your magnesium levels checked using the EXA Test and check with your doctor.
Article 3
18 Best Food Sources That Erase Magnesium Deficiencies…(AND Boost Your Energy & Vitality)
Dr Earl Mindell
Today, you will learn how to replenish your body with magnesium 18 different ways so you can to not only fight disease…but also feel more vitality and energy than you have ever felt before!
Thanks to modern farming methods, magnesium has been seriously depleted from our soil due to the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides. These poisons are absorbed into the soil, and kill off the mineral nutrients.
As a result 80% of us, do NOT meet the USDA’s recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of 240 to 420 millgrams.
Due to the severity of this deficit, you may want to have some tests administered to see if you are deficient. One effective test developed for use by health professionals is the EXA Test. (link to http://www.exatest.com/)
The EXA Test results are correlated with heart, muscle, and deep organ tissue and does not correlate with blood. 99% of magnesium is found in
soft tissue and only 1% is found in blood. As a result, Blood level measurements are usually inadequate because magnesium operates on a cellular level.
If testing is unavailable, see our article- 17 Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms That Make You Grow Older FASTER to determine if you are magnesium deficient. ( link to article)You will also learn about the many symptoms of magnesium deficiency that relate to cardiovascular, heart, neurological, and muscular dysfunction and disease.
Because magnesium’s role in your body are so numerous it is extremely important to eat magnesium rich foods or take a reputable supplement.